Saturday, August 2, 2008


My vacation ticker on the right says there are 6 days till our Destin vacation. WHAT?

Jeez...there's so much to do and work too! YIKES!

And...I have got to lose that last pound so I can lay in my beach chair and say, "YES! I lost 20 lbs. before I got here." (I was aiming for 25 but I'm pretty happy with 20 - major accomplishment for this 40 year old momma). This is huge for me because at the beginning of every summer I keep thinking that I need to lose the weight so I look AND feel good - in a bathing suit. This year - I did it. It has been hard and I'm not done yet. AND I have to keep this off and keep feeling healthy.

Here's a picture from Nashville that Sheila took of me.

I don't think I look very skinny. Not fishing for compliments just being honet. It's hard to look at oneself. I also have quite a few more pounds to go as well. But the belt on the last hole...I know I'm skinnier. And the scale right at 19 pounds less...I know I'm skinnier.

Hopefully, we'll get some good family pictues in Destin - I torture my guys to try to get a "Christmas Card Picture" EVERY year. I'll try to remember to post one from a pervious year and one from this year so you can see the difference in my wonderful hubby too - 10 pounds lighter. And Dylan getting taller and slimming down too. And Riley - just plain growing up! Jeepers - slow down time!!!

I better quit talking/blogging and go pack for vacation! Bye!

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