Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's over already?

It's true, time flies when you are having fun.

Here's a few final pictures from our vacation week in Destin, Florida.

You know you are getting closer when you go through the tunnel in Alabama.

You know you are more than halfway when you go over the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge, La.
A snapshot from the "annual mom's trying to get a christmas card picture photo shoot".
The crabs that pop in and out of holes in the sand.
The birds that beg for your snack food.
Dylan with his toes in the waves.

Riley posing...people - he eats ALL THE TIME - I swear! (i only say that 'cuz i know you can see his little ribs)

I call this...digging yourself into a hole...:)
Dylan driving go carts the last night at "The Track" - gotta do that every year.

Watching boats in the harbor during dinner on the last night - gotta do that every year, too.
Dylan and Riley - still good natured on the last night...willing to take yet ANOTHER picture for mom!

Gotta stop at Joe Patti's in Pensacola on the way home to get fresh seafood!

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