Sunday, August 10, 2008

86 degrees with a beach breeze!

Awesome! Here we are! In Destin - LOVIN' IT!

But not without a few little hiccups.

The drive was good. My husband is an amazing road trip dad. Calm, smooth, quick, efficient.

But, as we head to bed at 10 p.m. in New Orleans I am seriously remembering Nashville when Sheila and I were woke up by a fire alarm at 1 a.m. and thinking, "We need a GOOD night's sleep, Lord. Please give us one." Not to be...3 a.m. (for real?) accounting calls to confirm we have valet parked our truck...UGH!!! Takes me 30 minutes and Ron 1 hour to get back to sleep. Riley never heard the phone and Dylan and MiMi conk right back out. UGH!!!

Then we get to the condo in Destin and find out (after we buy groceries) that the fridge is frozen up. No one can come till the next afternoon (today). Ice chests and slightly cold freezer - stuffed to the brim.

But...the absolute best part (besides just being here) was sitting at our favorite restaurant across the road from our condo with all their windows open then checking The Weather Channel and seeing that it was 86 degrees here and 101 back home...AND an amazing beach breeze was blowing steadily through the restaurant. Once again I have to say - LOVIN' IT!
(sorry fam and friends back home but I really am).

Here's a few pictures to make it worse for you all... :)

Decatur Street in New Orleans - no crowds! Dylan and Riley-fountains by the RiverWalk.

Ron and Denise -calm! The boys - not a posed picture! Promise!

Yummy!!! Favorite restaurant in Destin.

p.s. the post time thing in blogger is silly - i didn't post this at 7 a.m. - it was more like 10 a.m. - we all slept till 8 - that hasn't happened in a while...

1 comment:

Sheila Schroyer said...

hey girl - got to love the black and white stick figures of the pets! hysterical. jealous of the beach and definitely of 86 degree weather. can't wait for that to be here in texas - only that it will last for six weeks and turn 60 degrees shortly thereafter.

miss you, too. love the new background!