Saturday, May 10, 2008

Field Day - Riley style...

I love field day...the kiddos are sooooo cute. It seems to be such a release of energy for them when school is normally so structured. I love watching kids on field day so much I'm going to watch my neice's in a few weeks. Meanwhile I took some pics of Riley enjoying field day at Prairie Trail, his elementary school just yesterday. Here they are -

This is my FAVORITE! So cute...

Riley LOVED the water games!

Riley - digging in at tug-o-war.
They had this really cool 4 way rope that had "handles" on every side for each child. Way better than the 'ole rope burns.

The theme of the day was "Olympics". Here's Riley "carrying the torch" - a ball on top of a plunger. Hee...Hee...

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