Thursday, July 24, 2008

A whole lot of nothing going on

That's right...a whole lot of nothing going on. Just working, working, working.

But...see my vacation ticker on the right? 2 weeks till Destin! WOOOHOOO!

I cannot wait! Sun, sleep, seafood - YES!

I'm prepping by getting as much sun as I can on the weekends in our pool. And working out like crazy so I look halfway decent in a bathing suit at the beach.

I have to tell you though...another reason I'm working out like crazy is because I went for my yearly check up in April and my doctor told me - politely but very concerned..."this is the heaviest you've EVER been". Yep - turned 40 4 months prior and weighing more than when I delivered either one of my kids. Slap in the face...point taken...hence - MOTIVATION!

Sheila and I then decided we were going to help support each other and started watching calories and working out...after trying Nutrisystems...don't do it I tell ya...don't do it! The food was not as yummy as the commercial makes it look. It did help us figure out what to eat calorie wise and how often but...ugh...won't ever go through food like that again.

Since we got off of that we have continued to monitor calories and portion control as well as exercise. Sheila's a runner...I'm a walker/jogger. I've lost 17 pounds and she's lost 20! We are working it out!!! Let me tell ya!!! (My wonderful husband is in the goove too...he's lost almost 10!) But let me advise all you 20 and 30 somethings to stay in shape! Around 36 to 38 years old and beyond...when metabolism gets sooooo much harder to shed the pounds.

Well - here's a skinnier picture of my friend...I'm waiting for her to send me some Nashville pictures from her camera and then maybe I'll post a skinnier picture of me!


Andrea "The H family" said...

Whoa!! Look at Skinny Sheila! I can't wait to see your pics Denise. I'm so back on WW come December! Yes..I've got 6mths to lose baby weight. Your going to be looking SEXY MOMMA on the beach!
Proud of you!

Lauren Williams said...

I thought i noticed the finance department shrinking! way to go! also, i might steal your idea for a vacation count down! so fun :)