Thursday, July 10, 2008

Look out Nashville...

Sheila, my boss and friend, and I will be on our way day after tomorrow to a conference in Nashville. Look out!

Our co-worker and worship pastor suggested several places to go and suggested a girl's weekend getaway at the Gaylord Opryland...ummmm....that is where the conference is and where we are staying and if you know Sheila and I and our seriously crazy friendship you know that the whole trip will be a pajama party - of course with work too! She's so excited about learning the most recent tax updates and information - umm....can you say Ooookaaayyyy.....??? I am excited about learning something new like I do every single day!

Anyway - I'll miss my boys! All of 'em. But my wonderful husband has everything under control! He's the BEST! I'm not lying.

I'm a picture freak so expect some after our return...maybe even during our trip...if I feel like blogging that is...


Bex said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun ladies!! Have a great time! :) The Bryant's and Jon and I might go in Sept to meet up with our good friend Tarah. She lives in NYC and Nashville is a fun middle point to meet up. You'll have to tell us about all the fun places to go!