Thursday, April 10, 2008


I love that this man loves me. I love that he prays for and leads our family. I love that he is the strong silent type. I love that he does laundry on Fridays because he works from home and I'm in the office (that way our weekends are free to spend as a family). I love that he does the finances because I do finances at work. I love that he wanted to be a chef and loves to cook. (I'm the one pot wonder - like pot roast, beef burgandy, pasties, spaghetti, etc...) I love that he is an organizer and packs a car really well (for all our road trips). I love that he reasearches all our purchases to death and gets us the best deal possible (when I really just want to buy the best - right now!) I love the 18 years of marriage plus 3 years of dating full of memories...some good, some bad, all ours! I love him for a thousand more reasons. I love that he's my husband.

I love the way Dylan is a sensitive soul. He prays for his friends. He worries about his brother. He is shy and softspoken, doesn't like to yell. He loves his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. He wants to make his parents pround and happy. He tries hard to do his best. He is my little meterologist. He is fascinated by the weather and can tell you almost anything about it. He loves photography and has always loved animals.

I love the way Riley is his own person. He doesn't follow the crowd. He always use to yell "no" or hold up his hand like a stop sign when we would pray but now if I don't start at the usual time every night he wants to know if I've forgotten. I love that he told his pre-k teacher he wanted to "work" at church and everyone thought that was the sweetest thing. Actually he thought Ron worked at church (because he was up there a couple times a week practicing with the band) and he just wanted to be like his dad! He loves his grandparents, extended family and his animals too! He's shy but he's not. He's special alright.

I love my sons. I love that both boys are a part of Ron and I yet they are each their own person. I love that they like going to church, they like to pray, and that they genuinely care about their friends, teachers and relatives.

I love that we are a family.


Andrea "The H family" said...

oh honey. This makes me cry.
18 years?! Wow...God bless you both! That's a mininstry within itself these days girl!
Your a beautiful family.
The real deal.

Andrea "The H family" said...

p.s. I was looking for you on my side bar going.."where is Denise??!!" I realized I never added you!! your added now!

Nat Pat said...

this is so sweet!

Sheila Schroyer said...

Got to love them boys...these thoughts go beyond "just for fun blogging"...hee hee

I love it!