Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We believe...

We believe there is a reason for everything. Ron was let go from "big blue" at the end of April. I'm sad to say that he still has had no success in finding a job. He is in the computer programming/technology field and it's pretty rough out there right now with so much being sent overseas...(cheaper labor)...among lots of other reasons. We know God provides. His timing in all situations is more perfect than we can ever imagine. It's just hard when you are walking right through the middle of it...can I get an Amen?

Ron is prepared to change job fields and is even contemplating going back to school. We are ready to go where God leads us.

I have professed that this blog is "for fun" so family and friends can "peek at our lives and limited adventures". But right now - I'll be "real". Would you pray for Ron's job situation? Would you pray whatever the Lord leads you to? We would soooooo appreciate it.

Thanks, in advance, to those of you that read our little blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have read. I have complied ,and WILL continue to do so ! Just because He doesn't answere right away doesn't mean He doesn't hear or will help. Maybe it's a test to see what we are going to do after all he has taught us and we don't even realize that most of the time.--Just an old man thinking out loud Luvya'll,PaPa.