Saturday, December 13, 2008

So fun!

Thanks to my friend, Andrea, who I am going to see at her Sip-n-see baby shower today...little Hannah is already here...I went exploring and found a fun new site to check out to "bling my blog".

It is

I thought I liked widgets and gadgets but you should check out her blog!

I don't have a lot of time to explore right now but found this one favorite pretty quick.

Stay tuned for more bling!

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...'s crazy isn't it!
Loved seeing you this weekend honey. did you manage to escape the photographer!!! I'm so mad about that!! There was not 1 picture of you missy! You and a few others were MIA and I was so bummed. Your love and encouragement are so amazing.
I love you honey,